Volume 12, Number 2 (2016)


V12(2) 2016

Editorial Board, Foreword & Contents

Downloads: 1330

Downloads: 2091

Bahasa juri dalam program mentor legend: Satu analisis ragam Bahasa Za’ba

Mohd Hazreen Shah Hassan dan Mohd Roslan Rosnon

Downloads: 1014

Downloads: 2172

Child labour: Islamic perspective

Abu Talib Mohammad Monawer and Dewan Mahboob Hossain

Downloads: 1062

Downloads: 2082

Malaysian youth’s receptivity towards code-switching in Malay drama television series

Muriatul Khusmah Musa and Ting Su-Hie

Downloads: 989

Downloads: 874

Data security, control and privacy management of Facebook usage among undergraduate students

Mohamad Ridhuan Mat Dangi, Norulhuda Tajuddin, Norizzati Bahsri and Zarirah Zamakhsari

Downloads: 2990

Downloads: 901

Hukuman jenayah zina dalam Islam dan pelaksanaannya di Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Indonesia

Faisal Bin Husen Ismail dan Jasni Bin Sulong

Downloads: 994

Downloads: 933

A system for monitoring and reporting outcomes performances of students using tableau dashboard and PA-ANAS tool for personal/student advisor

Mohaiyedin Idris, Aida Zulia Zulhanip, Adi Izhar Che Ani, Nor Fadzilah Mokhtar and Yusnita Mohd Ali

Downloads: 896

Downloads: 911

Pelaksanaan Advance Medical Directive (AMD): Tinjauan dari perspektif maslahah

Muhamad Sayuti Mansor, Muhammad Safwan Harun dan Muhammad Ikhlas Rosele

Downloads: 2157

Downloads: 953

Preliminary perception of teaching and learning using Telegram social media tool

Mohammad Nizam Bin Ibrahim, Emilia Binti Norsaal, Mohd Hanapiah Bin Abdullah, Zainal Hisham Bin Che Soh and Ali Bin Othman

Downloads: 2519

Downloads: 854