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Volume 11, Special Issue 2 (2015)

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V11(S2) 2015

Editorial Board, Foreword & Contents

Downloads: 1340

Downloads: 2291

An Analysis on the Purpose of Offering Mandarin in Malaysian Public Universities and Its Commencement

Hoe Foo Terng, Liaw Shun Chone, Lim Teck Heng, Er Ann Nah and Rasaya Marimuthu

Downloads: 1979

Downloads: 762

Student Satisfaction Through Academic Advising: How Effective is the Academic Advisor?

Salina Binti Hamed, Faridah Binti Hussin and Sarina Binti Md Jam

Downloads: 790

Downloads: 920

A Survey on the Use of Metacognitive Self-Regulatory Learning Strategies by Students From the Different Faculties of UiTM Pulau Pinang

Rasaya Marimuthu, Liaw Shun Chone, Lim Teck Heng, Er Ann Nah and Hoe Foo Terng

Downloads: 776

Downloads: 4283

The Use of Personal Listening Log in a Language Classroom – A Look at Students' Feedback

Lim Teck Heng, Rasaya Marimuthu, Liaw Shun Chone, Er Ann Nah and Hoe Foo Terng

Downloads: 856

Downloads: 724

Mathematical Errors in Advanced Calculus: A Survey Among Engineering Students

Maisurah Shamsuddin, Siti Balqis Mahlan, Norazah Umar and Fadzilawani Astifar Alias

Downloads: 3730

Downloads: 768

Identifying Useful Learning Tasks and Web-Based Instruction in Facilitating Learning of Chinese Characters Among Non Native Mandarin Students

Ong Sheau Fen, Er Ann Nah, Rasaya Marimuthu and Liaw Shun Chone

Downloads: 869

Downloads: 1914

Blended to Satisfaction: Factors Influencing Student Satisfaction in a Language Classroom

Er Ann Nah, Liaw Shun Chone, Lim Teck Heng, Rasaya Marimuthu and Hoe Foo Terng

Downloads: 7822

Downloads: 1957